The directors of Stefan Lipa Consultancy, one of the country's leading fundraising consultancies

Our team at Stefan Lipa Fundraising Consultancy

Our team is led by Stefan Lipa, one of the most experienced fundraising consultants in the UK. Stefan is responsible for each and every fundraising project for clients.

Our Directors

Stefan Lipa

Managing Director


Following a career in law and politics, Stefan has built up almost four decades of experience as a fundraising consultant, working on high-profile fundraising projects.  A lifetime of recruiting, leading and working with volunteers has equipped Stefan to advise on, supervise and manage many successful fundraising projects which have raised several hundred million pounds.


His breadth of experience has led Stefan to hold authoritative positions with bodies that promote quality in the fundraising consultancy sector:

  • Association of Fundraising Consultants (AFC): Chairman (2007-10), Vice Chairman (2006-07) and Board member (2004-2010).
  • A member of the Cabinet Office (Office of the Third Sector) Working Party preparing guidance on fundraising issues relating to the Charities Act 2006.

Stefan is also: 


Connect with Stefan on LinkedIn


Anna Lipa



Anna has been with Stefan Lipa Fundraising Consultancy Ltd since it began in 1994. With a background in mathematics and systems analysis, Anna advises clients on technical, administrative, database and software issues.


Having developed the Stefan Lipa Fundraising Consultancy fundraising database system, Anna has played a significant role in helping clients with record-keeping for their fundraising campaigns, as well as enabling them to produce reports and make Gift Aid tax reclaims. 


Anna also coordinates the researching and writing of applications to charitable trusts.


Connect with Anna on LinkedIn




We occasionally work with associates where necessary to give us extra capacity in fundraising. We also have access to expertise in social media, crowdfunding, event organization, press & media relations.



For more information, call us on 01264 860003 or send an email.

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© Stefan Lipa Consultancy Ltd
Registered Company Number: 2972447
Registered in England and Wales
Registered Office: Paternoster House, 65 St Paul's Churchyard,
London EC4M 8AB
VAT Registered Number: 631 9383 32